Kolon Bom Kaynak Makinesi - Orta Seri

PEMA MD is a medium-duty column and boom series for welding hard automation purposes. A stable construction with rack-bar drive and linear rail movements, PEMA MD provides a smooth operation resulting in excellent welding quality. PEMA MD is a versatile and cost-effective solution especially for single wire and twin SAW welding, but suits well also for MIG/MAG and TIG welding processes.

MD 3×3


Improve productivity, welding quality and safety
Ideal equipment for every hard automation solution
Several dimensions ( 3-5 m )
Wide range of optional accessories


Welding processes: SAW (single or twin), MIG/MAG, TIG
Optional accessories: e.g. flux handling, camera, control systems (see full list in the data sheet)
Vertical reach: 1 000 – 4 000 mm
Boom reach: 900 – 3 900 mm
Column rotation: manual / motorized

MD 4×4


Improve productivity, welding quality and safety
Ideal equipment for every hard automation solution
Several dimensions ( 3-5 m )
Wide range of optional accessories


Welding processes: SAW (single or twin), MIG/MAG, TIG
Optional accessories: e.g. flux handling, camera, control systems (see full list in the data sheet)
Vertical reach: 1 000 – 5 000 mm
Boom reach: 900 – 4 900 mm
Column rotation: manual / motorized

MD 4×4


Improve productivity, welding quality and safety
Ideal equipment for every hard automation solution
Several dimensions ( 3-5 m )
Wide range of optional accessories


Welding processes: SAW (single or twin), MIG/MAG, TIG
Optional accessories: e.g. flux handling, camera, control systems (see full list in the data sheet)
Vertical reach: 1 000 – 5 000 mm
Boom reach: 900 – 4 900 mm
Column rotation: manual / motorized

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